Energy Bomb Granola Bars

by Aaron Naley
Energy Bomb Granola Bars


Looking for something to grab in between study breaks or at work? Something that will help you over your afternoon tiredness? Over here in the office, we like to have some snacks prepared – like these Energy Bomb Granola Bars, made with our Energy Bomb Mix. It contains Organic Acai, Guarana, Maca, Lucuma and Banana Powder and tastes great in everything! Get in your kitchen and prepare these yummy granola bars for the upcoming week to have something to snack on!

Energy Bomb Granola Bars


  • 1 tablespoon Energy Bomb Mix
  • 1 cup of oat flour 

  • 1 cup of oats
  • 1 handful walnuts
  • 1 handful raisins
  • 1/2 cup almond milk

  • 1/2 cup puffed quinoa
  • 1/2 chopped apple
  • 12 tablespoons water

  • 3 tbablespoons chia seeds

  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup

  • 1 tablespoons coconut oil

  • 1 tablespoons cinnamon


  • Pre-heat your oven to 390°F. 
  • Start off by preparing your chia 'eggs' by mixing the chia seeds and water in a bowl and wait until the consistency reminds a gel.
  • Blend together the oat flour, almond milk and coconut oil.
  • Pour your mixture into a bowl and add in your oats, your puffed quinoa, the first half of the apple, walnuts and raisins.
  • Mix well!
  • Pour in the maple syrup, add the Energy Bomb Mix your favorite spices such as cinnamon or vanilla (or both).
  • Bake for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Take out of the oven and let cool completely before slicing.
  • Enjoy!

 SUPER TIP: Make your own oat flour by blending oats in a high-speed blender!

Energy Bomb Granola Bars Recipe

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